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Who we are

Business is more of idea proliferation rather than investing money. In banking business, the pattern of services by the banks of UK, Middle East and other Asian countries are more or less have remained the same over the last few years. London Bank has come up with new products to meet the demand compatible to the contingencies of new millennium.

London Bank will have gradual expansion process. This year we will concentrate on project financing and other products within our authorisation capacity.

The way world economic pattern is changing, it is inevitable to focus on specialised Banking which would provide the sophisticated products.

As World Bank and other regional Development Banks are not doing as expected and no other commercial Bank has yet targeted to narrow this gap, London Bank finds there are enormous opportunities to form a bank with a blend of Development finance and Commercial Banking.

London Bank intends to be the first bank in the world to provide a comprehensive package of products from the one gateway and our prime focus will remain to be the global leader in business banking.








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